Thousands of posts on Telegram channels are collected and categorized daily by Zelkaa, and finally, these contents are used for Telegram analytics. We know that spam content is seen abundantly in this messenger. Zelkaa intelligently detects this worthless content and provides Telegram analysis and monitoring without any flaws.
+3 Million
Data Collected from Telegram Channels
For faster monitoring and easy access for all team members to media-level content, organizations can send all online and offline media-level content to a predefined channel. Besides, organizations can monitor and analyze their data on the same telegram channel.
Achieving Telegram channel management solutions with statistical tables, various charts, and growth analysis of quantitative feedback metrics such as the number of members and the number of visits to monitor campaigns in different chosen periods of time.
In Telegram analysis, Zelkaa uses various metrics such as the number of members, the rate of use of other channels as a source, and the channel's relevance to brands and organizations to calculate the penetration rate of Telegram channels among people and their level of trust. One of the uses of information about penetration rate is to make better decisions about placing ads on telegram channels.
To get a comprehensive view, you will be provided with the most critical information about the monitored post in Telegram.
Get in touch with Zelkaa experts to see how you can convert mega data into practical knowledge and understand your audience and competitors.
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