Audience Sentiment Charts

Brand Sentiment Analysis

The branding team's ultimate goal is to create a sense of satisfaction in the community, audience, and media. Therefore, it is important to measure the audience's sentiments and feedback about the brand and content produced; Consequently, using artificial intelligence technology and machine learning, Zelkaa calculates and analyzes:

  • Happiness, sadness, anger, and other sentiments of the audience
  • Positive or negative approach
  • And their level of satisfaction using the NPS method
Brand Sentiment Analysis
Brand Real-Time Mention Monitoring
For Improving Brand Popularity

Brand Real-Time Mention Monitoring

The Secret of Gaining Brand Popularity: Real-Time Listening to your audience and Timely Responding to them.
easy and fast access to influencers' comments and audience complaints about the brand on social media is critical in improving the user experience and satisfaction process; In order to access ontime to these comments, Zelkaa developed Bars tool for:

  • Providing real time content published by influencers and those which are hot or trending
  • Real time media and social listening

Also Zelkaa will notify you quickly via email or notification if your brand's media status is getting hot.

Learn more about Monitor Bars

Monitor Competitors' Activity on Social Media

Competitor Social Insight

Analyzing competitors and studying their social media activity will help you learn from their mistakes and also learn from successful examples and, by adjusting these brand insights, see time and cost optimization in your media activities.

Zelkaa compares brands' social media performance using a variety of tables and charts. It is possible to find out which brand has received more engagement in a certain period of time and has been more successful in interacting positively with the audiences. It can also be analyzed which organization social branding has resulted in improving the brand image in society.

Learn more about Social Insights, Analytical reports

Competitor Social Insight
Know Your Audience Habits and Interests
Social Audience Insight

Know Your Audience Habits and Interests

Your audience will always pay more attention to some of your content. Zelkaa has held different ways to recognize the interests and habits of your audience and discover their personas:

  • Gender ratio charts of followers and commenters on social media
  • Demographics of audiences’ interest in cultural and social issues or product introduction
  • Hashtag cloud analysis
  • Chart of audience interest in different types of content: photos, videos, short or long captions
  • Your audience active Hours and days time
  • Comment analysis of emotions and negative or positive approach
  • Audience geographical analysis
  • Analysis of emojis used in comments

Learn more about Social Insights

Monitor Social Media Hashtags and Topics Trends

Increase your content creation efficiency by using the Trend Tracker tool and viewing the most trending Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and Facebook hashtags in various fields, industries, and geographical areas.

Learn more about Trend Tracker

Brands Social In-depth knowledge

Social Management from Analysis to Scheduled Content

Zelkaa provides a variety of useful tools for monitoring, analysis, and scheduling content on the brand profile for brands social management on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Aparat, Facebook and Telegram:

  • In-depth knowledge of the audience's sentiments and approach
  • Knowledge of the topics that are most popular with the audience
  • Observing the gender ratio of audiences and commenters
  • In-depth analysis of comments (sentiments, gender, and emoji cloud)
  • The best time and type of content to post
  • Planning to create future content and leave it to the Zelkaa platform to post automatically

By developing Social Insights tools, Zelkaa provides all the branding team's needs about content creation strategy on various social network management, including Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Telegram.

Learn more about Social Insights

Social Management from Analysis to Scheduled Content
Competitors Mention Analysis
Media Competitor Analysis

Competitors Mention Analysis

By analyzing the media activities of competitors, branding teams will be a few steps ahead in developing a strategy for their activities on media and social media. By examining the successes and mistakes of different brands, they would improve the experience of interacting with media audiences.
In Zelkaa, this comparison is made in different ways to obtain a comprehensive analysis of competitors' activities by:

  • Comparison of the amount of engagement earned (sum of likes and comments)
  • Brands share of voice comparison
  • Comparing follower growth
  • Comparison of the orientation of the audience in different time periods

With these tools, you will find out where your strengths and weaknesses are in comparison to your competitors, and that will help you improve your brand popularity and content development strategy.

Learn more about Analytical Reports

Decide based on Your Audience Culture

Geographical Analysis

When interacting with audiences and media, having geographical statistical analysis and deciding to interact based on users' culture and behavior is one of the most important things that the branding team should carefully think about and strategize. From the results of this analysis, we can point to a more accurate brand tone of voice guidelines.

Using Trend Map and geographical statistical analysis, you can not only see the amount and approach of content creation about your brand in different parts of the world, but you can also track how conversations spread to other geographical locations.

Learn more about Trend Map

Geographical Analysis

Hashtag and Word Cloud

Examining the most commonly used words in various social media about your brand topic will help you know what words and literature people are talking about your brand and find a way to interact and respond more effectively.

Learn more about Analytical Reports

Social Media Targeted Promotion
Targeted Content Promotion

Social Media Targeted Promotion

Using the Newswire tool, you can:

  • Publish your content on thousands of pages on Instagram, Twitter, etc.
  • Find influencers related to your campaigns
  • Publish your content purposefully, efficiently, and optimally using the Newswire smart system

Learn more about Newswire

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Get in touch with Zelkaa experts

Get in touch with Zelkaa experts to see how you can convert mega data into practical knowledge and understand your audience and competitors.

Complete the form and schedule a meeting with our team. Our experts will:

  • Help you discover how media and social media impact your business.
  • Discuss about your media requirements and the solutions Zelkaa provides.
  • Help you find or customize your monitoring, analysis and management packages.


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